Hi there!
Mam here!
I absolutely look forward to the end of the week before its even begun.
When Sunday afternoon rolls around, I always begin dreaming of Thursday...Friday...Saturday.
Its kind of always been this way.
But it really started in college. For a various array of reasons.
Mostly, the realization set in at the sweet age of eighteen, freshman year of college.
I learned my lesson the hard way, first semester freshman year, discovering not only that I was scheduled for three friday classes but...
the last one was after lunch...at the worst time ever...
Friday afternoon!
I remember distinctly looking around and feeling like a wandering gyspy with no one else around- wandering the campus (it was SO empty) and thinking two things-
a. they knew something I didn't know (duh-I was a freshman)
b. I got screwed.
I vowed every single Friday afternoon that first semester, that this would NEVER happen again.
And, it didn't.
After that little lovely learning lesson of life, where I figured out I could jimmy-rig my schedule to get all my classes done in four days
(Yes, this did mean late night classes on Monday and Thursday nights at times)
I figured out how to schedule all my classes to end on Thursday's.
So I could enjoy the glory and the love of having every FRIDAY off!
Because life is better in a four day work week.
And much more productive, but that's a whole other rant for another day.
Some might ask, did you still do well in school in light of this little Friday obsession?
Yes, my friends, not only did I graduate, but with flying colors.
All to the joy and delight of Gram of course.
So, as you can see, I'm a tad bit obsessed with Friday's.
It's seriously sacred ground.
And, I really don't think anyone else not only "gets this" as much as Gram, but also agrees and shares in my love of Friday's!
Gram, Mam, and Sam (she will get her one day-maybe when she understands days)...
Love Friday's!
We try to always share part of the day together.
Lots of the time, its the whole day.
And, its always a great, grand, and glorious adventure.
(To us at least!)
Last Friday did not disappoint.
We set the GPS, turned the engine on, and headed to somewhere new we had been dying
to see (and shop!)
Gram, Sam & I headed on an "adventure" to the north OC
(why does traveling to these parts seem so far?)
Could it be the teething toddler that we share are tales with?
Yes, this one.
Enjoying the Barbie car from Gram & Papa. |
And also located a new favorite place within the OC Mart
to purchase lots of decor, seasonal everything, & basically just get inspired.
Our eyes were feasting on all the colors, designs, ideas and items around.
Spring Inspired Wreath's |
It was a domestic diva's dream.
There, I purchased a third apothecary jar I had been looking for everywhere.
And found lots of goodies to fill the jars with as well.
Gram scored some serious "beachy decor" and Sam scored well...nothing...but time with Gram & Mam!
Sam Hanging Outside! |
Mam & Sam :)
Trying to Pin Down Sam for a Picture.
Not a Happy Camper. |
Where is this Treasure Store Gram, Mam, & Sam speak of? Here's A Handy Dandy Map! (This WILL Come in Handy if your not paying attention to the GPS or the freeway and talking to Gram and miss the exit!)
Not like that would ever happen or anything.
Happy Adventuring!
xoxo Mam |