My first attempt is floating aimlessly in the blogosphere... so goes my life….maybe I can go there too? Now that would be a bloggable adventure! Id love to see all the words that have been sent into cyberspace, homeless, wanting to be reunited with their creative force. Ahh…another post for another day.
Trying to teach this GRAM about the finer points of technology and the glitches that can occur is NOT fun so my first lesson…via Mam… is to write in Word…SAVE…and then transfer to blogger.
Had to get that out of the way because trying to re-create creativity that occurs at 6am cannot possibly be duplicated at 10!
Oh…yes…back to the latest adventure…
So yesterday Gram is invited to babysit Sam while Mam goes to the dreaded dentist.
Mam occupies Sam until Mam comes home
Dada comes home so that Gram and Mam…minus Sam….can have an evening out
Let the laughter begin….
The evening begins with a little clothing party where we encourage each other with perfunctory comments…”oh that looks great on you”…”what are you thinking??”…”oh…you have to buy that…it’s sooo you.”
On to a quick (okay…not so quick) bite to eat where we attempt to solve the problems of the world (1st world or 3rd world to be determined – and explained at a later date) Serious concerns are voiced over a couple glasses of pinot grig (one for Gram, Two for Mam) and a heaping helping of giggles to lighten the mood. I mean seriously…can two blondes not solve the world problems over a glass or two of wine?
Glancing at our watches…and reminding ourselves that we are both supposed to be on the South Beach Diet (Did I mention that we were at a Mexican Restaurant with endless baskets of chips and salsa?)…we decided that it was time to go home.
The problem-solving on the ride home continues (we hadn’t yet uttered the necessary 10,000 daily words it takes for every female…blonde or otherwise… to feel fulfilled). We almost reach mam’s driveway and we are thoughtfully discussing an issue that needs answers when Mam looks over at me and quite seriously asks, “Do you think that it is Creature vs. Culture?” *** Eagerly nodding, I am in complete agreement when Mam looks at me and bursts out laughing and exclaims that she thinks she means “that other thing” which I quickly conclude to be “nature vs. nurture.” We giggle so hard that we can hardly contain ourselves.
***GRAM-MAM FACT ALERT: In OUR vocabulary there are nuances that we will refer to as “Gram-isms” and “Mam-isms” and there will be NO doubt that there will be “Sam-isms”. (It is a genetic issue) We love words! And when we can’t find the right one, we have been known to create our own. Call it verbal and literary liberties. We also are “saying-challenged.” When it comes to old “sayings” such as, “I can’t see the forest for the trees” (What the heck does that mean, anyway??) our minds just don’t compute and we just can’t seem to ever get it right. Some people may refer to it as a faux pas (but even that sounds like a verbal passing of gas to me!)
Did I say how much I love to laugh? How much I need humor in my life? It is my coping mechanism of late to ward off the darkness that comes with life’s challenges.
So…thank you, dear Mam for the gift of your time (Gram’s number #1 love language) and the laughter (definitely should BE a love language) and your love. You are so precious to me.
Love and Laughter….Gram, xoxo
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